Levy Exempt

Levy Exempt advice for members

As part of rt health’s support for those who need it, we offer a range of hospital cover products which do NOT include the cost of the NSW ambulance levy. These ambulance levy exempt products help many of our NSW members reduce the cost of their private health cover and are made available only to members who hold a valid concession card

You have been identified as a member who has been, or is currently, on a levy exempt rt health product. A condition of receiving the exemption and associated premium reduction is that we need to record your concession card details and the concession card details of anyone else covered under your policy. Concession cards include any of the following cards:

  • Health Care Concession Card
  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Concession Card
  • Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA) Concession Card
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (NSW only)
  • Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card
  • Foster Child Health Care Card
  • Low Income Health Care Card

Our records show that we need to update your concession card details. In order to keep your exemption and lower premium, please take a few minutes to let us know your concession card details.

Please leave your details below and they will be sent to the Member Services team to update them on your membership.

Levy Exempt Data Collection

Please complete the form below.

Person 1:

Do you currently have a valid concession card?

DD/MM/YYYY. Does not apply for Department of Veteran Affairs cards.


If we don't have a copy of your concession card or if your card number has changed, we'll be in touch to request a copy. You can also email it to us via help@rthealthfund.com.au. Please make sure you include your membership number in your email. Please be aware we will need copies for all members listed on your policy.

Person 2:

DD/MM/YYYY. Does not apply for Department of Veteran Affairs cards.


If we don't have a copy of your concession card or if your card number has changed, we'll be in touch to request a copy. You can also email it to us via help@rthealthfund.com.au. Please make sure you include your membership number in your email. Please be aware we will need copies for all members listed on your policy.