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Get the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet for free*

Join over 500,000 fellow Aussies who have lost weight, kept it off and improved their health and wellbeing. Created by Australia’s national science agency, the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet combines a higher protein, low-GI eating plan to help improve habits and create positive behaviours.

Eligible RT Health members can get 12 weeks access for free*.

Why RT Health?

Award winning service

2023 and 2024 Product Review Award winners

130+ years strong

We've been looking after Aussie workers since 1889.

People before profits

As a proud mutual and not-for-profit organisation, we're here for our members (not shareholders).

RT Health Insurance

Australia's first registered health fund

A few years back, just as we merged with HCF, we released a special video to showcase our long and proud history. 

Featuring historical photos and content, the video tells the story of RT Health. It touches on the health of the first colony of NSW and how enterprising railway workers in Sydney started the Railway & Transport hospital fund in 1889. Our story also meanders through the effects of the Spanish Flu, two world wars, a booming membership in the 1940s and 50s, government changes to healthcare legislation, right through to our merger with HCF, Australia's largest not-for-profit health fund, on 1 November 2021.

Image courtesy of NSW State Archives

Stay Well Blog

Prescription claiming. Photo of a man taking a pill from its packaging.
Prescriptions and medications. What can I claim?
Prescriptions and medications. What can I claim? We all know that the cost of prescription medications can add up. That’s why it’s great to know that you may be covered for some of those high-cost prescription medications (medicines, vaccinations and injections) under your Extras cover. Your RT Health Cover Guide is a good place to start when checking in to see what you’re covered for. Your benefit and benefit limit will be listed under ‘Pharmaceuticals’. What can I claim? There are a few things to know about claiming prescriptions and medications (once you’ve served any waiting periods). We’ve listed a few here for you. So you can claim a benefit for your prescribed medication, it must: Be prescribed to you by a registered medical practitioner in Australia Be a S4 or S8 medication (that means it’s a prescription-only medicine) Be purchased in Australia and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Not already subsidised under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).  The PBS is a government program that subsidises medicines to make them cheaper  Cost more than the current PBS co-payment amount of $31.60 per item purchased ((The co-payment amount is set each year by the government. The co-payment amount has been frozen for 2025 and will stay the same as it was in 2024). We’ll pay a benefit on your script costs on non-PBS items (after you’ve paid the PBS patient co-payment amount of $31.60). The amount you get back will depend on your level of cover. What can’t I claim? It’s also important to know there are medications you can’t claim (and the reasons why). RT Health can’t pay benefits on: Over-the-counter medications that you can buy without a prescription Medicines and pharmaceuticals listed on the PBS Prescriptions and medications that cost less than the PBS amount of $31.60. (The co-payment amount is set each year by the government. The co-payment amount has been frozen for 2025 and will stay the same as it was in 2024) Items not prescribed, dispensed and/or purchased in Australia Pharmaceuticals not approved by the TGA for supply or sale in Australia. Tips for quick claiming There are a couple of things that will make paying your claim for pharmaceuticals and prescription medications easier. Send us your Official Pharmacy Receipt with your claim. This is a more detailed receipt provided by your chemist/pharmacist that we need to make sure your claim is payable. Just ask your pharmacist for one when you fill your script. We need this receipt to pay your claim (we’re not able to accept register receipts, packaging or scripts when assessing your claim). Not sure you can claim? We’re here to guide you. If you need some info on how and what you can claim, just give us a call on 1300 886 123 or send a quick email to help@rthealth.com.au Use our app. Making claims on the app is quick and easy. Find out more here.  This wellbeing message is brought to you by the team at RT Health, a division of HCF, The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited (ACN 000 026 746). This communication contains information which is copyright to HCF. It should not be copied, disclosed or distributed without the authority of HCF. Except as required by law, we do not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that this communication is free from errors, virus, interception or interference. All reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of material contained on our website. It’s not intended that this website be comprehensive or render advice. The information provided on this website is general information only and may not be suitable to your individual circumstances or health needs. Please check with your health professional before making any dietary, medical or other health decisions as a result of reading this website.
RT Health Insurance
Extras cover. Your path to a fitter, more active you.
Extras cover. Your path to a fitter, more active you. Having great Extras cover can really pay dividends when it comes to being proactive about your health and wellbeing. It’s like having a savings account that you can call on when it comes to self-care. Great eyes. Great teeth. Great ears. Being able to plan for regular check-ups to keep your teeth and eyes in great shape means you’re ahead of the curve when it comes to keeping your health in tip-top shape. Extras cover supports you to stay well be giving you the freedom to book and plan ahead … without having to worry so much about the cost. And once you’ve got a family to take care of, it becomes even more important. At RT Health we pride ourselves on our Extras cover options. There really is something for everyone. Plus, our members can save even more by using our network of preferred providers for your dental and optical needs. We have agreements with dental and optical providers. This makes things easier for you knowing there’ll be a reduced out of pocket (in most cases) when you visit our list of providers. There’s all listed under ‘the ‘Heath Services’ tab on our website. You’ll find them listed under dental providers and optical providers. And remember, you have access to HCF’s network of Eyecare and Dental Centres, if there’s one near you. But if you have a provider you’ve come to know and trust, you’ll still be covered. RT Health will still provide benefits for claimable services from any registered dental or optical providers in Australia. Hearing aids are also an important item for many Aussies. Extras cover provides that helping hand when it comes to claiming the cost of these vital aids. Your Extras cover also helps cover the cost of your audiology consultations.  Get paid for going to the gym Well, not really. But we do give you a helping hand by paying benefits under ‘Health Improvement ‘towards your gym membership (as long as you're covered by your Extras).  If your gym is a registered fitness provider, you’ve filled in the special ‘Gym benefits authorisation and claim’ form (this is separate from the usual claim form) and have had it signed by your doctor or healthcare provider, you’ll get a benefit to pay towards your gym membership. And, you can claim one every year by following the same process. How cool! Specialist therapies when you need them There’s nothing worse than living with pain. Specialist therapy treatments like chiro and physio can go a long way to providing relief. And if you’ve got Extras cover, you know you won’t need to foot the whole bill at your appointments. Specialist therapies also includes access to services like occupational therapy, dietetics, osteopathy, podiatry, speech therapy and eye therapy (orthoptics).  So, depending on your level of cover, you’ll get some financial support in getting treatments when you need them. Need a massage? Alternative therapies are also included in the benefits paid on most Extras covers. That means you’ll get a benefit when you receive a remedial massage treatment (from a registered provider).  Acupuncture (so many people swear by it), Chinese herbalism and myotherapy may also be covered. Mental health support Many people don’t realise that psychology is covered by Extras (depending on the level of cover you choose). There are generous benefits under most RT Health’s Extras covers to provide members with access to great mental health support.   A helping hand with medicines We all know that sometimes prescribed pharmaceuticals can cost a lot. That’s why it’s great to know that you may be covered for some of those high-cost items that have been prescribed for you. We’ll pay a benefit on your script costs on non-PBS items (after you’ve paid the PBS patient co-payment amount of $31.60). The amount you get back will depend on your level of cover. Nonetheless, it’s a great way your Extras cover support you to stay well. (You’ll also need an Official Pharmacy Receipt when you submit your claim, so don’t forget to remind your pharmacist you need one).  You can read more about claiming prescriptions and medications here.  Health Aids and Services There’s much, much more that’s covered by your Extras, so it’s worth doing a deep dive into your Cover Guide to see what you’re covered for.  You’ll need a referral letter from your healthcare provider to claim on benefits listed under Health Aids on your Cover Guide.  We’ve listed a few things here that you might not know you’re covered for by your Extras cover (these may depend on your level of cover). Custom orthotics Blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors Compression garments (not sporting wear) BPAP and CPAP machines Wheelchairs, crutches. Questions? Being empowered to use your Extras cover to support your general health and wellbeing is an important aspect of private health cover.  That’s why we’re with you every step of the way. If you have a question, just give us a call. We’d be happy to help. This wellbeing message is brought to you by the team at RT Health, a division of HCF, The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited (ACN 000 026 746). This communication contains information which is copyright to HCF. It should not be copied, disclosed or distributed without the authority of HCF. Except as required by law, we do not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that this communication is free from errors, virus, interception or interference. All reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of material contained on our website. It’s not intended that this website be comprehensive or render advice. The information provided on this website is general information only and may not be suitable to your individual circumstances or health needs. Please check with your health professional before making any dietary, medical or other health decisions as a result of reading this website.
How to claim your gym membership. People at the gym.
Claiming your gym membership
Now the warmer months are with us (and we’re contemplating our New Year’s resolutions), many people often think about their fitness routine. Walking, running, resistance training. There are multiple ways you can approach how you exercise. But, if you’re a gym lover (or want to become one), it’s always good to know you might get some of the cost of your gym membership back (if it’s included in your cover). Is my gym membership covered by my private health insurance? If you’ve got extras cover with RT Health that covers gym membership (take a look under the ‘Health Improvement’ section of your Cover Guide. You’ll find the Cover Guides here), have served your waiting periods, you’ll be able to claim a benefit for your gym membership. It’s important you know that you won’t get the whole cost back, but it is a helping hand to help you reach for your health and wellbeing goals. And if you stay covered, you can claim a benefit every year. Claiming made easy There are just three simple steps to claiming your gym membership. 1. Check you’re covered. We don’t want you to go to the effort of putting a claim if gym membership isn’t included in your cover. Check out the Cover Guide for your selected cover here. It’s also available any time for you in your online Member Services portal.  2. Fill out our form. Like most good things in life, there’s a little bit of admin behind getting a benefit. So, you can claim your gym membership, we’ll need you to fill out the ‘Gym Benefits Authorisation & Claim form. You’ll find it in the Useful Forms section of our website here. 3. Submit your claim. Be sure to include your itemised receipts and your completed form when you send your claim to us. Find out more about our app (the quickest, easiest way to make your clam) and how to claim on our website. Questions? We’re always here to help. If you need some info on how and what you can claim, just give us a call on 1300 886 123 or send a quick email to help@rthealth.com.au We’ll be happy to help.

Important information

*This offer is available to RT Health members with hospital cover, who also:

  • are aged 18 or over
  • have a Body Mass Index of 28 or above
  • have multiple lifestyle risk factors like smoking, physical inactivity and poor nutrition.